Category Archives: Millennials / New Grads

Dispelling 3 Job Search Myths That Are Paralyzing New College Grads

Congratulations on your recent graduation from college! As you prepare to launch your professional career, you might feel overwhelmed and unsure how to start your job search. You may have heard that no one is hiring, or that you need to apply to hundreds of jobs to win one interview. Don’t let fear or outdated career advice derail your job search efforts. Here’s the scoop on the top 3 job search concerns that I hear most often:

MYTH #1:  No one is hiring.2016 job search advice

Despite the doom and gloom reported by the media, there is actually a good deal of hiring going on today, in nearly every sector. Continue reading

The Importance of Cleaning Up Your Online Image

Recently, I was hired by the parents of Michael, a recent college graduate who had been struggling in his job search. He had applied for nearly one hundred jobs and could not win an interview.your online brand is important Typically, when I hear this I suspect that the job seeker’s resume is not compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems. But, I checked his resume and found that it did not contain any non-compatible formatting elements and did include all the necessary keywords for the position. Despite graduating from a big name school with an impressive GPA, Michael could not land a job or even an interview. Continue reading

University Career Centers Offer Valuable Assistance

As most of my blog followers know, in addition to working with private clients as a career coach and professional resume writer through The Resume Resource, I also serve as Assistant Director of the Center for Internships and Career Development at Eastern Connecticut State University.   Between these two roles, I work with a wide range of people helping them to identify their ideal career path and develop the tools, strategies and confidence to achieve their career goals.Easternlogo

Over the last few months, I have been approached by quite a few parents of new college grads looking for resume and job search assistance for their children.   In most cases, these alumni have graduated from expensive private colleges, and despite the fact that the family has paid well over $150K in tuition over the 4 years, Continue reading

The College Grad’s Key to Career Success: Interning

Competition for jobs is at an all-time high, with nearly 54% of bachelor’s degree holders under the age of 25 jobless or underemployed in 2013. An internship gives a new college graduate an advantage over those who have not gained real world experience in their field. YouTern_logo

College students should not wait until senior year of college to intern. Completing more than one internship and starting earlier in their college career, students can learn about the everyday duties of various jobs, which can help them determine which career they want to pursue. If they do not like their first internship position, they would have time to experiment with other internships.

Interning benefits the future employer as well. Many employers see a student who has completed an internship as a more serious job candidate. Companies are more confident hiring a recent grad who has experience in the field and has already assimilated into the corporate culture. Continue reading

Overcoming Age Discrimination in the Job Search – Part I

As a career coach, I work with fresh college graduates looking to launch their professional career as well as baby boomers looking for a satisfying second career. While they have different obstacles – they have the same goal: they need to make their resumes “age-neutral” and convince the hiring manager that they are the ideal candidate for the job. Jobseekers with little experience need to sell themselves on their potential while more mature workers need to show they still have a lot to offer an employer. There are effective strategies for each to overcome age discrimination in the job search. This week I’ll offer a few tips for the new graduates, next week I will address the boomers.avoiding ageism in the job search

New college graduates and other Millennials need to show prospective employers that they have transitioned from “college kid” to “young professional”. Continue reading

The Millennials Are Right!

Boomers can learn a lot from Millennials. As a generation, many of us Baby Boomers have never managed our careers with intention. Rather than identifying careers that aligned with our passions, many of us moved from job to job as the opportunities presented themselves. job satisfactionNow, in our 50’s and 60’s, we are looking for careers that provide us with the opportunity to do meaningful work. Whether precipitated by a layoff, stress-induced health issues or dwindling prospects in our field, many of us are considering job satisfaction for the first time. What do we really want to do next?

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You Must Beat Out the Competition to Get Into Your Top College

The process of selecting and applying to college mirrors the job search process and college admission has never been more competitive. Each institution is looking for the best incoming freshman class to bolster their ranking. Is college application word bubblethere a college that you’ve been dreaming of attending? With the number of college applicants rising each year and schools becoming more selective, you must market yourself effectively to stand out from the competition. Overwhelmed and not sure how to make yourself stand out? The Resume Resource can help.

According to the NY Time’s The Choice blog, the number of accepted applications dropped in 2013 at many of the top colleges and universities. Continue reading

Help Your Recent College Grad Avoid the Boomerang Effect

parents can help their new grads avoid the boomerang effect

When your college graduate finally walks across the stage to receive his/her diploma, some of the tears in your eyes may be tears of joy as you see your baby all grown up. But, for many parents that pride is coupled with the fear that your graduate, who has not yet secured a new job, will move back home. We love our children, but we raise them to be independent, leave the nest and venture out on their own. You may have been looking forward to being empty nesters, to travel and reconnect with your spouse. If your child follows the typical boomerang effect, your plans to convert their bedroom to an office or workout room may be postponed. As the high unemployment rate among Millennials and new college grads continues to grow,  many Boomer parents ask themselves  “How can I help my child avoid the boomerang effect?”. Continue reading

5 Ways A Young Professional Can Succeed in the Corporate World

By Lauren Piccini

helping young professionals succeed at wrok

Joining a corporate office for the first time can be intimidating. You are viewed as the “new kid” for months, or at least until another new employee is hired. Don’t let this derail your confidence level; your employer hired you because he or she knew you would add value to the company. Succeeding in the corporate world is a game, and you can win it by using these 5 strategies:

Tip 1.

Be mindful of your actions. Always show people your most confident side and don’t discount your ideas. Stand up for yourself.

  Mistakes to avoid:

  • Polling before making a decision
  • Sharing too much personal information
  • Needing to be liked
  • Being overly concerned with offending others  

Tip 2.

Keep a success-oriented mindset. Being new to a company can be overwhelming, but never lose your confidence in yourself. You are great at what you do, that is why you are there. Take advantage of the possibilities your company can offer.

Mistakes to avoid:

  • Setting high, unrealistic standards for yourself
  • Limiting your possibilities
  • Talking yourself out of a promotion you know you deserve
  • Abandoning your career goals
  • Refusing perks

Tip 3.

Brand and market yourself as if you are the boss. After all, their position is the one you ultimately want to have, right?

  Mistakes to avoid:

  • Minimizing your work or position
  • Waiting to be noticed
  • Being modest about your accomplishments
  • Staying in your comfort zone
  • Giving away your ideas

Tip 4.

When speaking among your colleagues, show them that have transitioned from a college graduate to a young professional by being mindful of your tone. Always be confident that what you are saying holds value, and it will.

  Mistakes to avoid:

  • Second guessing yourself
  • Asking for permission
  • Apologizing for your beliefs
  • Failing to pause or reflect before answering questions

Tip 5.

Your response to actions occurring around the office and feedback received from colleagues shows a lot about your character and work ethic. Although negative feedback is criticism, taking it constructively can only help you grow.

  Mistakes to avoid:

  • Internalizing messages
  • Tolerating inappropriate behavior
  • Biding your time instead of taking action
  • Putting the needs of others before your own

The keys to corporate success mostly revolve around knowing your worth and the value you deliver to your employer. Recognizing this power statement can only bring you great success and happiness. Good luck!

Lauren Piccini is a writer and blogger who helps business owners increase their brand awareness through social media. She is a recent grad with a degree in English from the University of Connecticut whose first work was published within six months of graduation.

How Recent Grads Can Break Into Their Industry

By Lauren Piccini  

gradcapsinairOver the past 5 years, not only  have many people have become jobless, but the opportunities once available for recent college grads  have become  scarce. Although the economy is starting to improve, the entry-level job market is still extremely competitive. Before the recession, college grads would have won these jobs with ease, but now, they need to plan strategically. Do not wait until graduation to begin preparing for your dream job–you should start preparing the first time you step on campus your freshman year.

Intern. Do it. Try to complete as many internships as you can during your 4 years. Although most of them are unpaid, you are able to gain real life work experience, making them great resume builders. Not only are they a great way to learn, internships can also show you exactly what you DO NOT want to do. What if you are interning for what you thought was your dream job, but you end up hating it? It’s better to find this out early than to be stuck in a full-time position doing something you hate. Try experiencing with different types of internships too.   This helps you become well-rounded and able to recognize your strengths and weaknesses. The more experience you gain from these internships, the more credibility you will have when the time comes to apply for real jobs.

Get Involved on Campus. Join clubs and other activities on campus. Find your niche and surround yourself with positive, motivated people. Learn how to work with others and gain the practical and leadership skills needed to survive in the professional workplace.

Build Your Resume. Once you complete your internships, create a general resume. List all of your qualifications, skills and accomplishments. Use this as a reference. When looking at job postings, study the employer’s requirements and tailor your resume to meet them. Go through your resume and cover letter line by line and ask yourself whether each point supports the requirements for the job. Show potential employers the value you will add to their company.

Finding a job as soon as you graduate is not a guarantee and unfortunately, you have no direct control over the process. What you can control is making yourself a more knowledgeable and attractive candidate.  Job search is a long, difficult process and it can be easy to give up. Don’t let those negative thoughts hinder your motivation. Never stop learning. Read books, industry blogs and trade magazines.

Lauren Piccini  is a writer, blogger and social media wiz who  helps small business owners  transform into credible experts  in their field by increasing their  brand awareness through the use of social media strategies and techniques. She is a recent grad with a degree in English from the University of Connecticut whose first work was published within six months of graduation.