Help Your Recent College Grad Avoid the Boomerang Effect

parents can help their new grads avoid the boomerang effect

When your college graduate finally walks across the stage to receive his/her diploma, some of the tears in your eyes may be tears of joy as you see your baby all grown up. But, for many parents that pride is coupled with the fear that your graduate, who has not yet secured a new job, will move back home. We love our children, but we raise them to be independent, leave the nest and venture out on their own. You may have been looking forward to being empty nesters, to travel and reconnect with your spouse. If your child follows the typical boomerang effect, your plans to convert their bedroom to an office or workout room may be postponed. As the high unemployment rate among Millennials and new college grads continues to grow,  many Boomer parents ask themselves  “How can I help my child avoid the boomerang effect?”.

Times Have Changed

Before you give your child advice on how to find a “real” job, consider that the job search has changed drastically since your last job search. The strategies that worked in the past are no longer effective, and may derail a 2013 job search. The days of walking into an employer’s office to complete a job application, and being offered a job because they like your personality are long gone. Today, most job applications are completed online, and the employers are using Applicant Tracking Systems to identify the most qualified candidates. If you can’t make it through this filter, it is nearly impossible to win an interview.

Do not be overwhelmed by the new job search landscape. While you may not be able to help your new grad by sharing tips from your own previous job searches, you can help them launch their career and achieve financial independence by enlisting the help of an expert.

Trained in job search best practices and in tune with current hiring trends, The Resume Resource can help your new grad launch their career! Our New Grad Launch Package includes career coaching, job search strategies and interview preparation in addition to a strong resume and cover letter. We work 1:1 with our clients and guide them through the job search process to make it less overwhelming and more successful. As their partner in career success, we have helped many new grads avoid the boomerang effect with the tools, techniques and confidence to launch their career.

The truth is, college teaches you many wonderful things, except how to find a job. Since 2007, increasing numbers of college graduates are moving back home out of financial necessity. Saddled with significant student loan debt, these new grads must find jobs right away, to prevent their parents from sharing this financial burden.

Parents of new grads — you can retain your independence by helping your new grad avoid the boomerang effect and achieve their financial independence. We are here to help you.

Trish Thomas founded The Resume Resource in 2009 to help people develop the tools, strategies and confidence to build satisfying careers. As a Career Coach and Resume Writer, she helps her clients articulate their unique value to stand out from the competition, and guides them through the job search process to make it less overwhelming and more successful.