Not Asking Questions in a Job Interview Can Cost you the Job

It is important for jobseekers to ask thoughtful questions during the job interview to show that they are eager for the job. Not asking questions indicates to the interviewer that you are not a serious job candidate, and can derail any chance for consideration. multiple_interviewersWithout a list of questions prepared in advance, many jobseekers go blank when asked if they have any questions. Don’t let that happen to you.

I have heard from many jobseekers who are confused about what types of questions to ask. Here are a few pointers to help you develop a list of questions that will impress the interviewer.  

  • Be sure to do your homework before the interview and spend a little time researching the company. Know what they do, and who their customers and competitors are. Develop a question or two about a major initiative they are undertaking, or an issue they are currently facing.
  • Keep in mind that a job interview is a two-way sharing of information. While the company is evaluating you as a potential employee, you are also determining if the job is a good fit for you. Before the interview, ask yourself what is important to you in a job, and formulate questions that will glean that information.

–   Are you looking to be hired into a company and move up the ranks?  If so, ask if the company hires from within and if they offer a management trainee program.

–   Know that you could not be cooped up in an 8×8 cubicle all day? Ask about a typical workday. Does the role provide opportunities for collaboration with colleagues or include regular attendance at meetings?

–   Are you the type of employee who likes to offer ideas on new ways to do things? Ask the interviewer if the person in this role would have an opportunity to make suggestions, or if they’d be expected to follow the status quo.

–   Looking for a flexible schedule? Ask about the company’s policy on flextime or occasional telecommuting options.


  • Basic information about the company that you should already know.
  • About  employee benefits or compensation in the first interview.

Other questions may include the amount of travel required, the manager’s leadership style, or professional development opportunities. Regardless of the questions you ask, make sure they show the employer that you are eager to work for them, want to fit in and do a good job.

Be sure to prepare your questions in advance and bring them with you to your next interview. Need assistance?  Send me an email and I’ll be glad to help.

Trish Thomas founded The Resume Resource in 2009 to help people develop the tools, strategies and confidence to build satisfying careers. As a Career Coach and Resume Writer, she helps her clients articulate their unique value to stand out from the competition, and guides them through the job search process to make it less overwhelming and more successful. Contact us to see how we can help you build a more rewarding career.

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