Jared called me on a Monday morning as he sat in his car in the parking lot, not wanting to go into the office. Over the last few years, his workload had tripled, new ineffective procedures had been instituted and he was getting no support from his boss. He was miserable and the stress was effecting his health.
Although he knew the unemployment rate was pretty high and the job market was tight, he could not take it any longer. He needed to escape and reached out to me for help with his resume. I knew his story well. I had been there and had felt the same spirit-crushing pressure to perform in corporate America. I assured Jared that I could help him, but explained that there was a lot of work we needed to do together before we got to the resume writing stage. I promised him that he was not in this alone. I would be there to guide him through the process to make it less overwhelming and more successful. I was confident that I could help him find a job that was fulfilling, where he was respected and compensated properly.
I explained that my Career Solutions Package would start with a 90-minute face-to-face Client Intake Session so that I could really get to know him, his career goals and accomplishments. Over the years, I have developed a series of questions to help uncover my clients’ strengths, interests and preferred work culture. I am also a Certified Myers-Briggs Practitioner and use the assessment results to help articulate the value my clients bring to an organization. Jared lived in Milford, 90 miles away. We made an appointment for the next Saturday in Meriden, mid-way between us both. He told me how relieved he was to have started this process. He no longer felt helpless and doomed to stay in this unhealthy situation. Jared went into work standing a little taller that day, and he could feel the knot in his stomach start to release.
In our Client Intake Session, we discussed the aspects of his current job that he likes and those he wants to avoid in the future. He shared the passion that had driven him to succeed in his early career, which had been crushed over the last decade at his current employer. I learned of his preferred work style and the type of manager who brought out the best in him. By examining his previous jobs in a similar manner, we came up with a list of features he would like to see in his next role as well as a list of the non-negotiables.
We discussed the current job market and Jared was surprised to hear of all the active hiring in our area. He had spent frustrating hours on the large online job boards and did not see anything for him. I explained how most of the job opportunities are not posted on these job boards and shared the strategies I have used to help hundreds of clients find and land lucrative positions over the last few years. The relief on his face nearly brought tears to my eyes. Jared looked 10 years younger.
That is why I am a Career Coach. I love helping people achieve career satisfaction, and find it so rewarding when my clients leave our meetings feeling optimistic and energized. I provide ongoing support throughout their job search to keep that momentum going.
Now that Jared had a clear goal, we could start the resume writing process. We developed a strong profile summary and supporting career accomplishments. The targeted resume showed the unique value Jared offered an organization and the results he delivers increased his marketability.
Following his customized job search plan, Jared made his list of target companies while I created his cover letter and LinkedIn profile. When we were done, all 3 documents worked together to solidify his professional brand, while addressing the needs of his potential employers.
Things were happening quickly. Jared started contacting the hiring managers on his target list and had an interview scheduled for the next week. We started interview prep – a step skipped by so many jobseekers. I helped Jared develop his core message, to sell him as the ideal candidate for the position. We then composed strong answers to anticipated questions by focusing on the reasons behind the questions and what the employers were really trying to learn about him as a candidate. We also developed a library of situational examples that demonstrated his expertise and deep knowledge. The last step was determining the questions for Jared to ask the interviewer.
Jared was confident and prepared. He aced that interview as well as the 3 others that shortly followed. I was thrilled when Jared called me a few weeks later to tell me that he had accepted 1 of the 2 great job offers he had received. There is nothing I find more gratifying than helping someone escape an unhealthy work situation and finding a job they love!
Jared allowed me to share his story with you because he wants everyone to know that there is hope! You do not need to stay in a job you hate. There really is the perfect job for each person. Sometimes, you just need help finding it.
Trish Thomas has been helping people develop the tools, strategies and confidence to build satisfying careers since 2009. She rebranded The Resume Resource as EDGE Career Solutions in 2015 to reflect the wide range of services she offers jobseekers at all levels. A Career Coach, Resume Expert and Certified MBTI Practitioner, Trish helps her clients articulate their unique value to gain the competitive edge, and guides them through the job search process to make it less overwhelming and more successful. Contact her today to see how she can help you build a more rewarding career. www.edgecareersolutions.com trish.thomas@edgecareersolutions.com (860) 658-6480
Discover your EDGE.